Kitchen Essential Oil Set 14 - 10 ml. Bottles 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils 14 - 10 ml. 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils VARIETY SET Set Includes 14 - Plant Guru 10ml. Bottles. Ginger, Oregano, Basil, Nutmeg, Red Thyme, Vanilla, Clove Bud, Sweet Orange, Lemon, Tangerine, Pink Grapefruit, Peppermint, Spearmint, Cinnamon Bark Packaged in dark amber glass bottle with euro style dropper cap. 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil- no fillers, additives, bases or carriers added . Click on Link Below to view our full Butters and Oils list LINK >>> 100% Pure Butters LINK >>> African Black Soap LINK >>> Carrier Oils / Pure Plant Oils LINK >>> 100% Pure Essential Oils, Therapeutic Grade. LINK >>> Pure Essential Oil Blends Sweet Orange: Citrus sinensis Botanical Name: Citrus sinensis Aromatic Aroma: Has a sweet, citrus aroma much like the orange peels it is derived from, only more intense and concentrated. Consistency: Thin Note: Middle Aroma Strength: Medium Extraction Method: Cold Pressed Plant Part: Fruit Peel Origin: Brazil Color: Yellowish orange to dark orange Description: Sweet Orange is derived from an evergreen tree. It is smaller than the bitter orange tree, and less hardy with fewer or no spines. The fruit itself has a sweet pulp with no bitter membrane. Peppermint: Mentha piperita Aromatic Aroma: Has strong minty notes with herbaceous warm undertones. Consistency: Thin Note: Top Aroma Strength: Strong Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Plant Part: Herb Origin: India Color: Colorless to pale yellow Common Uses: It is widely credited with being a digestive aid. The leaves contain menthol, which is a proven aid to digestion. The familiar aroma of Peppermint is known for both its warming and cooling properties. Friendly to the sinuses, it is also useful to the muscular system, especially for women during monthly cycles or menopause. Properties include being refreshing, a mental stimulant and energizing. It relieves bad breath and is a good nerve tonic that helps with mental fatigue and nervous stress. Cinnamon Bark: Cinnamomun cassia Aromatic Aroma: Has a warm, spicy aroma that is somewhere between Clove and Cinnamon. It is slightly herbaceous with pepper notes. Consistency: Medium Note: Middle Aroma Strength: Strong Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Plant Part: Bark Origin: China Color: Clear yellow to golden yellow Common Uses: Cinnamon Bark is highly respected as having antiseptic properties. Some material indicates that it is perfect in topical applications, and with its pleasant scent, a perfect additive to creams, lotions, and soaps. Other materials recommend that Cinnamon Bark be avoided in aromatherapy. From a spiritual perspective, it is believed to have a warming, uplifting characteristic. Blends Well With: Frankincense, Lavender, Cedarwood, Orange, Lemon, Neroli, Ylang-ylang. History: Medicinal use of Cinnamon Bark was first recorded in Chinese formulations as early as 2700 B.C. The herb has been used as a healing aid for stomach upset and gas, diarrhea, rheumatism, kidney ailments, and abdominal pain. The Egyptians used it as a foot massage, as well as a remedy for excessive bile. It was used as an ingredient of mulled wines, love potions and a sedative during birth. Cautions: Can be irritating to the skin and mucous membranes - particularly in large doses. It should always be used in dilution. Avoid use during pregnancy. Grapefruit: Citrus Racemosa Botanical Name: Citrus Racemosa Aromatic Aroma: Grapefruit has a fresh, sweet citrus aroma that is very characteristic of the fruit. Consistency: Thin Note: Middle Aroma Strength: Medium Extraction Method: Cold Pressed Plant Part: Peel Origin: Canada Color: Pink to and orange-pink Common Uses: Grapefruit is believed by aromatherapists to be a spiritual up-lifter, and to ease muscle fatigue and stiffness. It is also a purifier of congested, oily and acne prone skin and is sometimes added to creams and lotions as a natural toner and cellulite cellulite treatment. Grapefruit Essential Oil is reputed to ease nervous exhaustion and relieve depression. Blends Well With: Rosemary, Cypress, Lavender, Geranium, Cardamom and generally most spice oils. History: The differences between the White and Pink Grapefruits are minor. The difference in cost is simply an example of supply and demand; there is more pink grapefruit produced because it is sweeter than the white variety. The grapefruit tree was originally from Asia but it is now grown and harvested in the United States, France, Brazil and Israel. The grapefruit tree itself is a large, shiny gloss-leaved tree, about 30 feet high, with white flowers and large, pale yellow fruit with pink flesh Cautions: Can cause photosensitivity. Avoid use during pregnancy. Spearmint: Mentha spicata Plant Part: Leaves Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Origin: China Description: Spearmint is a native of the Mediterranean area. A hardy perennial herb, Spearmint reaches about 3 feet in height. It has characteristic lance-shaped leaves with pink or lilac-colored flowers. Color: Colorless to pale yellow clear liquid. Common Uses: Aromatherapists claim the therapeutic properties of Spearmint Essential Oil are: as a local/topical anesthetic, antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, decongestant, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, stimulant and restorative. It is also believed to be an uplifting oil, great for alleviating fatigue and depression. Consistency: Thin Note: Top Strength of Aroma: Medium Blends well with: Basil, Birch Sweet, Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Jasmine, Lavender and Rosemary. Aromatic aroma: Spearmint Essential Oil has a fresh minty smell reminiscent of Peppermint. The major difference is that Spearmint oil is sweeter, and not quite as harsh. Lemon: Citrus limonum Plant Part: Peel of the fruit Extraction Method: Cold Pressed Origin: Italy Description: Lemon was originally a small thorny evergreen tree native to India. It is now common in Southern Europe, Florida and California. Color: A light yellow Common Uses: Lemon has been historically recognized as a cleanser. It is recognized as being antiseptic, and as having refreshing and cooling properties. Research has also shown lemon essential oil to enhance the ability to concentrate. Consistency: Light Note: Top Strength of Aroma: The aroma is similar to fresh lemon rinds except richer and more concentrated. Aromatic Scent: Lemon is highly prized for its high anti-bacterial properties. On skin and hair it can be used for its cleansing effect, as well as for treating cuts and boils. History: The fruit was well known in Europe by the middle ages, and Greeks and Romans were advocates of its therapeutic properties. Lemon essential oil reached the height of its fame when the British began using the citrus fruit to counteract the effects of scurvy. Cautions: Non-toxic, but may cause skin irritation in some. Lemon is also phototoxic and should be avoided prior to exposure to direct sunlight. Ginger: Zingiber officinalis Botanical Name: Zingiber Officinalis Aromatic Aroma: Ginger has a warm, spicy, woody aroma with a hint of lemon and pepper. Customers will find it very similar to the powdered spice. Consistency: Thin Note: Middle Aroma Strength: Medium Extraction Method: CO2 Extraction Plant Part: Root Origin: China Color: Pale yellow Common Uses: Ginger is believed by aromatherapists to be applicable for colds and flu, nausea (motion sickness, morning sickness), rheumatism, coughs and circulation issues. It also has warming properties that help to relieve muscular cramps, spasms, aches and ease stiffness in joints. Ginger is also viewed as an aphrodisiac and is believed to ease anxiety, renew vitality and revitalize self-confidence. Blends Well With: Bergamot, Cardamom, Black Pepper, Spearmint, Orange, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang and other spice oils. History: The plant is said to originate from India, China and Java, but is also native to Africa and the West Indies. It is believed that Ginger was brought to Europe between the 10th and 15th century as both a condiment and spice. It has been used for medicinal purposes since the ancient times; it is recorded specifically in both Sanskrit and Chinese texts. It is also mentioned in literature from the Greeks, Romans, and Arabians. Oregano: Origanum Vulgare L Plant Part: Herb Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Origin: Spain Description: Origanum is a hardy, bushy perennial herb that grows up to 90cm (35 in) with a straight stem covered in hair. The leaves are dark green and oval in shape. It will also have a profusion of pink flowers clustered in heads at the top of the branches. Color: Light yellow to reddish yellow liquid. Common Uses: Due to high carvacol content, Oregano Essential Oil is considered to be "nature's cure all" as it is reputed to have one of the best antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties. It can also be used as a fragrance component in soaps, colognes and perfumes, especially men's fragrances. * Basil: Ocimum basilicum Plant Part: Leaves Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Origin: India Color: Pale yellow to amber color liquid. Common Uses: Basil Essential Oil can be used to clear the sinuses, promote digestion and stimulate circulation, especially in the respiratory system. It is prized in Ayurvedic medicine for its ability to strengthen compassion, faith and bring clarity. Aromatic Scent: This variety has a sweet vaguely anise-like, mint, smoky odor. For wholesale essential oil quotes call the home office. Cautions: May irritate sensitive skin. Nutmeg: Myristica Fragrans Plant Part: Seeds Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Origin: India Color: Colorless to pale yellow liquid. Common Uses: Nutmeg Essential Oil can be used as a treatment for the following: arthritis, constipation, fatigue, muscle aches, nausea, neuralgia, poor circulation, rheumatism and slow digestion. It is a valuable addition to many aromatherapy blends, adding warmth, spice and inspiration, when used in very small amounts. Nutmeg Oil can be used in soaps, candle making, dental products and hair lotions. Consistency: Thin Note: Middle Strength of Aroma: Medium Aromatic Scent: Nutmeg Essential Oil has a rich, spicy, sweet, woody scent. It is similar to the cooking spice, but richer and more fragrant. Cautions: If used in large amounts, Nutmeg Essential Oil can cause toxic symptoms such as nausea and tachycardia. Thyme (Red): Thymus Vulgaris Plant Part: Leaves Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Origin: India Common Uses: Red Thyme Essential Oil has been used effectively as a tonic, and as an immune stimulant. Thyme Oil can assist with nervous complaints, respiratory problems, poor circulation and problems of the digestive system. It should also be noted that the active ingredient Thymol may crystallize in temperatures below 20 degree Celsius. The more thymol present, the greater it's propensity for altering states. We would recommend placing the bottle in a very hot water bath, changing the water frequently and once it is back to the liquid state be sure to shake before use. Consistency: Thin Note: Middle Strength of Aroma: Medium Aromatic Scent: Red Thyme Essential Oil has a fresh, herbaceous, medicinal scent. It has often been described as sharp and warming. Cautions: Red Thyme Essential Oil should be avoid during pregnancy, or if a history of high blood pressure exists. Red Thyme contains a high amount of toxic phenols (carvacrol and thymol) that can irritate mucus membranes Vanilla: Vanilla Planifolia Plant Part: Fruit Extraction Method: Solvent Extraction Origin: India Description: Our variety is a ten-fold bourbon; this refers to the concentration of the oleoresin. Color: Dark brown mobile liquid. Common Uses: Vanilla oleoresin is considered a premiere sensual aphrodisiac and one of the most popular flavors/aromas. It is comforting and relaxing and is also an ingredient in Oriental type perfumes. Consistency: Thick Note: Top Strength of Aroma: Medium Aromatic Scent: Vanilla is one of the most well known scents. The oil has a rich, sweet, vanilla odor Cautions: No known toxicity. Avoid high concentration in pregnancy. This product contains vanillin that will change the color in soaps and body care products. Avoid very high concentrations in skin care. Not suitable for candle use. Vanilla 10 Fold is soluble in ethanol only. It is immiscible in water and oil. It is recommended that this oil be stored in dark amber, blue or green glass bottles since it has been found to dissolve aluminum bottles. Clove Bud: Syzygium Aromaticum L. Plant Part: Buds Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Origin: Indonesia Description: Clove Bud Essential Oil is derived from the tree Syzgium aromaticum plant. It is a slender evergreen that grows up to 12 meters in height (approximately 36 feet). At the start of the rainy season, long buds appear. They change color over time and are beaten from the trees and dried. These are the cloves sold commercially. Color: Pale yellow to yellow clear liquid. Common Uses: Clove Bud Essential Oil is an effective agent for minor pains and aches (particular dental pain), and is helpful when battling flu and colds. Consistency: Medium Note: Middle Strength of Aroma: Medium Aromatic Scent: Clove Bud Essential Oil smells spicy and rich like actual cloves. Cautions: Clove Bud Oil can cause sensitization in some individuals and should be used in dilution. Tangerine: Citrus Reticulata Plant Part: Fruit Peel Extraction Method: Cold Pressed Origin: Italy Description: The Tangerine tree was originally native to China, but is now grown predominantly in the United States and Sicily in Italy. The tree is also very similar to the Mandarin. Color: Pale yellow to golden yellow liquid. Common Uses: Tangerine Essential Oil, like most of the citrus family, can be depended upon for its refreshing and rejuvenating characteristics. Its aroma clears the mind and can help to eliminate emotional confusion. Aromatherapists also consider it to be very comforting, soothing and warming. Users may also see Tangerine Essential Oil used in perfumes, soaps, and as an antispasmodic, carminative, digestive, diuretic, sedative, stimulant (digestive and lymphatic), and tonic agent. Consistency: Light Note: Middle Strength of Aroma: Medium Aromatic Scent: Tangerine Essential Oil has the typical citrus scent - fresh, radiant, and tangy sweet. With only subtle differences, it smells a lot like the Mandarin, with some even considering them identical. In comparison to Sweet Orange, Tangerine can be seen as lighter with more candy-like tones. Cautions: Tangerine Essential Oil is similar to other essential oils in the citrus family in that it can be phototoxic. Care should be taken not to expose the skin to sunlight after a treatment. Similarly, the oil should be diluted well before use on the skin. Why Plant Guru ? We source the finest quality ingredients and supplies from ethical producers worldwide. We supply all of our products at market leading prices with no gimmicks. We never sacrifice quality for price. The customer is always right and should always be treated the way our customer service reps would like to be treated. Appreciate every customer, large and small and do your best to service them. About Plant Guru Our business was born online offering quality essential oils at a fair price. No advertising, No marketing plan, No multi pyramid pricing. This allows us to pass on a huge savings to our customers. We provide quality essential oils at the most affordable prices. From our experience if you stick to your principles, the business will take care of itself. These beliefs have allowed us to do great things. Our Mission Plant Guru is a small family ran business with a passion for essentials. "Our business revolves round this passion" As essential oil users in our personal life, We were tired of the multi marketing companies. The prices for a small 15ml. bottle were getting is ridiculous. Everyone should be able to experience the healing power of essential oils. 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